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Found 115 results
Esgueva R
Park K
Kim R
Kitabayashi N
Barbieri CE
Dorsey PJ
Abraham C
Banerjee S
Leung RA
Tewari AK
et al.
. 2012.
Next-generation prostate cancer biobanking: toward a processing protocol amenable for the International Cancer Genome Consortium.
Diagn Mol Pathol. 21(2):61-8.
Rickman DS
T Soong D
Moss B
Mosquera JMiguel
Dlabal J
Terry S
MacDonald TY
Tripodi J
Bunting K
Najfeld V
et al.
. 2012.
Oncogene-mediated alterations in chromatin conformation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(23):9083-8.
Rubin MA
Maher CA
Chinnaiyan AM
. 2011.
Common gene rearrangements in prostate cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 29(27):3659-68.
Pflueger D
Terry S
Sboner A
Habegger L
Esgueva R
Lin P-C
Svensson MA
Kitabayashi N
Moss BJ
MacDonald TY
et al.
. 2011.
Discovery of non-ETS gene fusions in human prostate cancer using next-generation RNA sequencing.
Genome Res. 21(1):56-67.
Berger MF
Lawrence MS
Demichelis F
Drier Y
Cibulskis K
Sivachenko AY
Sboner A
Esgueva R
Pflueger D
Sougnez C
et al.
. 2011.
The genomic complexity of primary human prostate cancer.
Nature. 470(7333):214-20.
Beltran H
Rickman DS
Park K
Chae SSuk
Sboner A
MacDonald TY
Wang Y
Sheikh KL
Terry S
Tagawa ST
et al.
. 2011.
Molecular characterization of neuroendocrine prostate cancer and identification of new drug targets.
Cancer Discov. 1(6):487-95.
Svensson MA
Lafargue CJ
MacDonald TY
Pflueger D
Kitabayashi N
Santa-Cruz AM
Garsha KE
Sathyanarayana UG
Riley JP
Yun CS
et al.
. 2011.
Testing mutual exclusivity of ETS rearranged prostate cancer.
Lab Invest. 91(3):404-12.
Park K
Tomlins SA
Mudaliar KM
Chiu Y-L
Esgueva R
Mehra R
Suleman K
Varambally S
Brenner JC
MacDonald T
et al.
. 2010.
Antibody-based detection of ERG rearrangement-positive prostate cancer.
Neoplasia. 12(7):590-8.
Rickman DS
Chen Y-B
Banerjee S
Pan Y
Yu J
Vuong T
Perner S
Lafargue CJ
Mertz KD
Setlur SR
et al.
. 2010.
ERG cooperates with androgen receptor in regulating trefoil factor 3 in prostate cancer disease progression.
Neoplasia. 12(12):1031-40.
Perner S
Svensson MA
Hossain RR
Day JR
Groskopf J
Slaughter RC
Jarleborn AR
Hofer MD
Kuefer R
Demichelis F
et al.
. 2010.
ERG rearrangement metastasis patterns in locally advanced prostate cancer.
Urology. 75(4):762-7.
Sboner A
Habegger L
Pflueger D
Terry S
Chen DZ
Rozowsky JS
Tewari AK
Kitabayashi N
Moss BJ
Chee MS
et al.
. 2010.
FusionSeq: a modular framework for finding gene fusions by analyzing paired-end RNA-sequencing data.
Genome Biol. 11(10):R104.
Sboner A
Demichelis F
Calza S
Pawitan Y
Setlur SR
Hoshida Y
Perner S
Adami H-O
Fall K
Mucci LA
et al.
. 2010.
Molecular sampling of prostate cancer: a dilemma for predicting disease progression.
BMC Med Genomics. 3:8.
Esgueva R
Perner S
LaFargue CJ
Scheble V
Stephan C
Lein M
Fritzsche FR
Dietel M
Kristiansen G
Rubin MA
. 2010.
Prevalence of TMPRSS2-ERG and SLC45A3-ERG gene fusions in a large prostatectomy cohort.
Mod Pathol. 23(4):539-46.
Demichelis F
Setlur SR
Beroukhim R
Perner S
Korbel JO
Lafargue CJ
Pflueger D
Pina C
Hofer MD
Sboner A
et al.
. 2009.
Distinct genomic aberrations associated with ERG rearranged prostate cancer.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 48(4):366-80.
Tomlins SA
Bjartell A
Chinnaiyan AM
Jenster G
Nam RK
Rubin MA
Schalken JA
. 2009.
ETS gene fusions in prostate cancer: from discovery to daily clinical practice.
Eur Urol. 56(2):275-86.
Hofer MD
Kuefer R
Maier C
Herkommer K
Perner S
Demichelis F
Paiss T
Vogel W
Rubin MA
Hoegel J
. 2009.
Genome-wide linkage analysis of TMPRSS2-ERG fusion in familial prostate cancer.
Cancer Res. 69(2):640-6.
Stark JR
Perner S
Stampfer MJ
Sinnott JA
Finn S
Eisenstein AS
Ma J
Fiorentino M
Kurth T
Loda M
et al.
. 2009.
Gleason score and lethal prostate cancer: does 3 + 4 = 4 + 3?
J Clin Oncol. 27(21):3459-64.
Pflueger D
Rickman DS
Sboner A
Perner S
Lafargue CJ
Svensson MA
Moss BJ
Kitabayashi N
Pan Y
de la Taille A
et al.
. 2009.
N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) is fused to ERG in prostate cancer.
Neoplasia. 11(8):804-11.
Mosquera J-M
Mehra R
Regan MM
Perner S
Genega EM
Bueti G
Shah RB
Gaston S
Tomlins SA
Wei JT
et al.
. 2009.
Prevalence of TMPRSS2-ERG fusion prostate cancer among men undergoing prostate biopsy in the United States.
Clin Cancer Res. 15(14):4706-11.
Rickman DS
Pflueger D
Moss B
VanDoren VE
Chen CX
de la Taille A
Kuefer R
Tewari AK
Setlur SR
Demichelis F
et al.
. 2009.
SLC45A3-ELK4 is a novel and frequent erythroblast transformation-specific fusion transcript in prostate cancer.
Cancer Res. 69(7):2734-8.
Perner S
Wagner PL
Soltermann A
LaFargue C
Tischler V
Weir BA
Weder W
Meyerson M
Giordano TJ
Moch H
et al.
. 2009.
TTF1 expression in non-small cell lung carcinoma: association with TTF1 gene amplification and improved survival.
J Pathol. 217(1):65-72.
Mertz KD
Demichelis F
Sboner A
Hirsch MS
Dal Cin P
Struckmann K
Storz M
Scherrer S
Schmid DM
Strebel RT
et al.
. 2008.
Association of cytokeratin 7 and 19 expression with genomic stability and favorable prognosis in clear cell renal cell cancer.
Int J Cancer. 123(3):569-76.
Mosquera J-M
Perner S
Genega EM
Sanda M
Hofer MD
Mertz KD
Paris PL
Simko J
Bismar TA
Ayala G
et al.
. 2008.
Characterization of TMPRSS2-ERG fusion high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and potential clinical implications.
Clin Cancer Res. 14(11):3380-5.
Kelly KA
Setlur SR
Ross R
Anbazhagan R
Waterman P
Rubin MA
Weissleder R
. 2008.
Detection of early prostate cancer using a hepsin-targeted imaging agent.
Cancer Res. 68(7):2286-91.
Perner S
Wagner PL
Demichelis F
Mehra R
Lafargue CJ
Moss BJ
Arbogast S
Soltermann A
Weder W
Giordano TJ
et al.
. 2008.
EML4-ALK fusion lung cancer: a rare acquired event.
Neoplasia. 10(3):298-302.
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